How your mindset, attitude, and beliefs are key to achieving your goals

Pau Alducin
4 min readOct 7, 2020
Photo by Holly Mandarich on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered why some people are capable of achieving everything they set their minds to? Do you think it is just a mere stroke of luck or is it something special about them that makes them stand out from all the rest?

I always thought that being extraordinary was for a chosen few. People who were lucky enough to come across great teachers, mentors, or coaches. People who were presented with big opportunities. After reading several success stories, I realized there were major factors that determined why for some people everything was possible, and it had to do with their mindset, attitude, and beliefs.


When we talk about mindset, we refer to whether you believe qualities such as talent and intelligence are fixed or changeable traits. According to Stanford University psychologist Carol S. Dweck, in her book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, people with a fixed mindset believe that abilities are fixed, inborn, and unchangeable, and they are less likely to flourish than those with a growth mindset, who believe that abilities can be developed.

It is sometimes hard to perceive if you are acting with the right mindset. Have you ever been in a difficult situation where you decided to give up and blame your lack of talent or ability just to make yourself feel good? This kind of mentality emerges most of the time when we encounter tough and demanding situations that challenge our abilities. Our response is what determines if we are getting closer or farther away from achieving our goals.

It is not only about having the right mindset but also about the role of your emotions that stops you from becoming who you are meant to be. When you have a growth mindset, you thrive with a challenge. You know you can get better at something if you put in the work to develop your abilities and talents. What most of the time stops people from getting started, trying new things, and learning new skills, even though they know it is going to be beneficial for them in the long run, is the feeling of starting from zero, of being a beginner again. You just feel embarrassed when you see your poor results, especially if you compare yourself to others who have more experience.

You need to remember that we were all beginners at something at some point in our lives. Just embrace the feeling of not being perfect when you are starting, and with enough perseverance and a growth mindset, before you know it, you’ll see how far you’ve come.


We’ve all heard you need a good attitude if you want to accomplish anything. But having a good attitude doesn’t mean being happy and optimistic all the time. It’s about not giving up and being resilient no matter the difficulties you’ve encountered. Attitude is about going the extra mile, and pushing your limits. As a result, it is what sets you apart. Every extra effort you put in, no matter how small, will add up eventually and will let you obtain remarkable results. If you want to be the best, you also have to be driven by passion. You need to seek the internal reward of doing what you are doing instead of external rewards and recognition. Your attitude towards setbacks is crucial in determining your success. Are you going to let them stop you or are you going to learn from them and do better next time? It doesn’t matter how great you are, there is always something you can learn to get better. Be humble and push yourself.


Practice can help you build up your confidence, which is critical for top performance, but the belief that you are worthy and good enough is what makes all the difference. As a gymnast, I used to practice several skills hundreds of times. I would do them over and over again, but during competitions, if I doubted myself, even for one moment, I would inevitably mess up. It is when you truly believe that you can accomplish something that you will be able to deliver under pressure during those major events.

Have you ever been mad at some player for missing the game-changer shot at the last seconds of an important game? Everything was in his favor and there was a breathtaking moment as everyone saw him shooting the ball. And then he missed. You can ask yourself, why did he miss if he had done it a million times before? You probably think he was under pressure and the nerves got the best of him. This is a valid reason, but there is also the possibility of self-sabotage, of being able to make the shot but not believing in oneself.

A strong belief that you can accomplish everything, whether it is in business, sports or any other project, is essential in any endeavor you want to pursue.

Developing the right mindset, having a great attitude and believing in yourself, combined with hard work, commitment and practice, will allow you to achieve even your most ambitious goals.

